Thursday, 23 May 2013


Letters are anoth thing which you will need to write in other subject areas. There is a standard letter layout in the UK, and this is shown below.
When writing a letter it is very important that you keep all of the text the same size and in the same font - otherwise it will look unprofessional.

Here is a useful website which gives lots of pointers on writing and laying out a letter - Link!

As much as this is a standard letter layout in the UK, there are some parts of the letter which you are allowed to alter.
  • The companies address - as long as it is not in the space of any of the other important parts, you can move it. You could, for example, put it right at the top or bottom
  • The companies logo - again needs to not be in the space of the other important parts but can go anywhere else.

Try to experiment a little bit with the layout, think about adding a border or a strip of colour along one of the edges.
The key thing to remember is that there is a standard layout for a reason, and your letter needs to look professional.

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