Wednesday 22 May 2013

Typical Website Layouts

Most websites online seem to follow very similar designs.

This website shows examples of good designs which are used by designers when building a website Click here!

One of the most important things to remember is that most people like things which feel similar or familiar. You know how everyone moans when Facebook changes how the News Feed page works, or what your timeline looks like? That's because people like things which are familiar, and when they are comfortable with something they don't like change.
If something isn't broke don't fix it?
However, if things don't change and progress then things will never get any better.
So whilst it is important to have a look at exsisting designs, there is nothing to stop you trying something totally different - the most important thing is that you test it and see what peoples reactions are!

Here are some of the most common website layouts to get you started:

Make sure that you are thinking about making your website look professional, as well as the audience and purpose. What layout best suits the needs of your website?

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