Friday, 21 June 2013

Interactive Multimedia -- PowerPoint

PowerPoint is normally used to go with a presentation when someone is talking, that is why people get confused and this that presentation means PowerPoint but this is not the case!

PowerPoint can combine a lot of multimedia elements easily, and it is also not too difficult to add in the interactivity.

The kind of files that you can add to your PowerPoint include movie files, sound, animation (animated GIFs), Flash content as well as text and images.
You can add in hyperlinks to websites or email addresses, as well as making buttons to take you to the different slides - you can even turn off pressing on the slide to get to another one, this makes it so that the user has to press a button in order to get to another slide!

Here are some help sheets which tell you how to add some of these elements into PowerPoint:

Adding in animations (animations that you have made yourself)
Adding video
Adding sound
Adding buttons and hyperlinks
Turning off pressing slides to get onto other pages (you have to press the buttons to get onto a different slide)

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